ElasticSearch CLI Tools - Part 1

11 minute read Published: 2019-05-18

While working at Booking.com, I was looking for a solution to logging that matched the ease of use and power as Graphite did for metrics. Reluctant to bring a new technology into production, I talked to co-workers and one mentioned that they were using ElasticSearch in some front-end systems for search and disambiguation. He mentioned hearing there were a few projects using ElasticSearch for storing log data.

This began my love-hate-love relationship with ElasticSearch. I've spent the past 8 years working with ElasticSearch professionally and in my spare time. Graphite and ElasticSearch are two projects that change the game in terms of exploring your data. The countless insights I've gained into system performance, application performance, and system and network security with these tools is unparalleled. Tools like Grafana and Kibana allow you to visualize your data quickly and beautifully. As a system and security engineer, sometimes this isn't enough. I spend most of my day in a terminal and needed something to explore and pivot through the data there.

This is the first part, in a many part series about a tool I created to make ElasticSearch's powerful search interface more accessible from the terminal. This tool has been essential to nearly every incident I've investigated. It was developed with the help, patience, and amazing ideas from co-workers both at Booking.com and now at Craigslist.

Perl Setup

I'm a Perl programmer. You may have strong feelings about that, but Perl has been good to me. The freedom to write code as beautifully, or as ugly, as I need to get the job done is liberating. I recommend using Perl 5.28 or newer with Perlbrew.

You should be comfortable with the command line, so follow the steps to install Perlbrew from it's homepage. After that:

$ perlbrew init
$ perlbrew install -j 8 -n --thread 5.28.2
$ perlbrew switch 5.28.2
$ perlbrew install-cpanm

Now that you have a working, local, user managed Perl, we'll install the toolset.

$ cpanm App::ElasticSearch::Utilities

The utilities and their dependencies will be installed in your local, user managed Perl path.

(Some) Utilities Installed

And finally, the tool I'm going to be talking about: es-search.pl. This is a tool designed with the UNIX philosophy in mind to enable workflows where the output of one query can be fed into another.


In order to ensure we have the most fun with the tool, let's setup some defaults to make our command lines shorter. All of the scripts (and if you're so inclined, the entirety of the App::ElasticSearch::Utilities functions) use this config file to determine how to find, connect, and talk to your ElasticSearch cluster.

Create ~/.es-utils.yaml file with something like this:

host: localhost
port: 9200
base: syslog
days: 1
timestamp: '@timestamp'

Index Bases

The idea behind this tool, is to make things as simple as possible. If you're like me, you probably use index names to differentiate where shards are allocated and ultimately, how long shards will exist on your cluster. On large indices, where data is variably interesting, I tend to use this pattern.

At the end of this madness I might have a list of indexes like:

Index NameAliasRetentionContent
ams-access-2019.05.19 access-2019.05.19 90d Normal access logs for `ams` servers
ams-access-bulk-2019.05.19 access-2019.05.19 7d Uninteresting access logs for `ams` servers
ams-syslog-2019.05.19 syslog-2019.05.19 90d Syslog data for `ams` servers
sfo-access-2019.05.19 access-2019.05.19 90d Normal access logs for `sfo` servers
sfo-access-bulk-2019.05.19 access-2019.05.19 7d Uninteresting access logs for `sfo` servers
sfo-syslog-2019.05.19 syslog-2019.05.19 90d Syslog data for `sfo` servers

If I wanted to search those indexes, I could just use --base access as they all will be parsed to the correct bases. If you're not sure what es-search.pl might think of what bases you have available, ask it to tell you:

$ es-search.pl --bases
Bases available for search:
# Bases: 8 from a combined 6 indices.

Handling More Than One Index Base with Ease!

That's all fine and good if all of your indexes contain the same document types. That's unlikely as you should be splitting different document types up into separate indices, if not clusters. If you want to work with es-search.pl across all those indexes easily, it will need to know the correct timestamp field. To enable per-base timestamp fields, you can just add a meta section to your ~/.es-utils.yaml file.

host: localhost
port: 9200
base: syslog
days: 1
    timestamp: timestamp
    timestamp: ts
    timestamp: event_ts

Now es-search.pl and the rest of the utilities will know that when you specify --base zeek the timestamp field to sort on will be event_ts and you won't need to think about adding --timestamp event_ts to the command line.

Seeing Data

Now that you're configured, we can just run:

$ es-search.pl
= Querying Indexes: syslog-2019.05.19
action: connect
hostname: janus
message: 'connect from unknown[]'
proc: smtpd
proc_id: 30775
program: postfix/smtpd
src: unknown
  - decoder_syslog
  - mail
  - postfix
timestamp: 2019-05-19T02:07:34.861416
total_time: 0.004363


# Search Parameters:
#    {"bool":{}}
# Displaying 20 of 357 in 0.0584328174591064 seconds.
# Indexes (1 of 1) searched: syslog-2019.05.19

Each document's _source is YAML printed to the screen. This is not the usual use case for es-search.pl, so let's do better. It's also likely that the documents you're viewing may not contain all the valid fields in the index.

Finding the Fields in the Index

When you start working with ElasticSearch indexes, you may not know all the fields available for search. es-search.pl allows you to explore a bit:

$ es-search.pl --base syslog --fields
Fields available for search:
	- action
	- dev
	- dst_geoip.continent
	- dst_geoip.country
	- dst_geoip.location
	- dst_ip
	- dst_port
	- exe
	- file
	- hostname
	- in_bytes
	- message
	- out_bytes
	- proc
	- proc_id
	- program
	- proto_app
	- rec_id
	- src
	- src_geoip.city
	- src_geoip.continent
	- src_geoip.country
	- src_geoip.location
	- src_geoip.postal_code
	- src_ip
	- src_port
	- src_user
	- tags
	- timestamp
	- timing.phase
	- timing.seconds
	- total_time
# Fields: 32 from a combined 1 indices.

This will help you understand what an index contains. Maybe you wanna see what's in a field? There's two ways, the first with search, the second with aggregations.

The simplest, and least taxing way to ask ElasticSearch what a field contains is to query the index and return the relevant field. To optimize for documents containing the field, we can use the --exists <fieldname> filter.

If I just want to see the most recent 20 documents where the field proc exists and just see the proc entry, it's as simple as:

$ es-search.pl --exists proc --show proc
= Querying Indexes: syslog-2019.05.19
timestamp    proc
2019-05-19T02:04:06.135686    smtpd
2019-05-19T02:04:06.135786    smtpd
2019-05-19T02:04:05.856884    smtpd
2019-05-19T02:03:46.471311    smtpd
2019-05-19T02:03:46.471352    smtpd
2019-05-19T02:03:46.199116    smtpd
2019-05-19T02:03:37.013022    smtpd
2019-05-19T02:03:37.012866    smtpd
2019-05-19T02:03:36.741711    smtpd
2019-05-19T02:03:18.239108    smtpd
2019-05-19T02:03:18.239135    smtpd
2019-05-19T02:03:17.947805    smtpd
2019-05-19T02:03:07.837098    smtpd
2019-05-19T02:03:07.837133    smtpd
2019-05-19T02:03:07.553645    smtpd
2019-05-19T02:03:07.342514    smtpd
2019-05-19T02:03:07.342686    smtpd
2019-05-19T02:03:07.067929    smtpd
2019-05-19T02:02:57.157830    smtpd
2019-05-19T02:02:57.157612    smtpd
# Search Parameters:
#    {"bool":{"must":[{"exists":{"field":"proc"}}]}}
# Displaying 20 of 85 in 0.0445699691772461 seconds.
# Indexes (1 of 1) searched: syslog-2019.05.19

This might not give me the best understanding of what the field is, but already, I know that postfix log entries are setting this field.

Finding Field Values with Aggregations

We can do a lot better by leveraging aggregations in ElasticSearch. To do so, we ask es-search.pl for the top values.

$ es-search.pl --top proc
= Querying Indexes: syslog-2019.05.19
count    proc
224  smtpd
27   smtps_smtpd
12   qmgr
9    localsmtp_smtpd
6    cleanup
4    submission_smtpd
3    anvil
3    lmtp
3    pipe
# Search Parameters:
#    {"bool":{}}
# Displaying 9 of 693 in 0.00798892974853516 seconds.
# Indexes (1 of 1) searched: syslog-2019.05.19
# Totals across batch
count    proc
224  smtpd
27   smtps_smtpd
12   qmgr
9    localsmtp_smtpd
6    cleanup
4    submission_smtpd
3    anvil
3    pipe
3    lmtp

We now have the top 20 (or fewer if there's not 20 total) values in the proc field.

Putting It Together

It looks like proc is the component piece for postfix syslog data. To be sure, let's ask ElasticSearch for the top programs with the top 10 procs each. Since es-search.pl is designed to make this easy, we type almost exactly that:

$ es-search.pl --top program --with proc:10 --exists proc
= Querying Indexes: syslog-2019.05.19
count  program
224  postfix/smtpd              terms.proc    smtpd    224
35   postfix/smtps/smtpd    	terms.proc    smtps_smtpd    35
12   postfix/qmgr    			terms.proc    qmgr    12
9    postfix/localsmtp/smtpd    terms.proc    localsmtp_smtpd    9
6    postfix/anvil    			terms.proc    anvil    6
6    postfix/cleanup            terms.proc    cleanup    6
6    postfix/submission/smtpd   terms.proc    submission_smtpd    6
3    postfix/lmtp               terms.proc    lmtp    3
3    postfix/pipe               terms.proc    pipe    3
# Search Parameters:
#    {"bool":{"must":[{"exists":{"field":"proc"}}]}}
# Displaying 9 of 304 in 0.0130970478057861 seconds.
# Indexes (1 of 1) searched: syslog-2019.05.19

Let's break down that query:

Wrapping up for now

I think this is a reasonable point to pause. This provides you with enough information to start getting your feet wet with the tool. In the next part, I'll examine building useful queries and how this tool enables pivoting and data exploration.

If you can't wait til next time, run: es-search.pl --manual to get an in depth overview of the options available. See below for that man page online:

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